Rolling In The Deep

Rolling In The Deep, Emerging Pastel Artist
Rolling In The Deep
“Rolling In The Deep”
… Out in the deep waters…. The waves seem to roll. …. So serene … Moments full of peace, and quiet. …. The light and shadows dance…. The waves with a life of their own. …. Coming and going. …. There are wafts of salt air, and calls from sea birds. …. Watching the waves, you cannot help but be enchanted with the rythym, the beauty in the contrasting colors. …. The movement…. Rolling along. …. Seemily like silk. …. Full of grace, and, power.. …. The beauty in it all. …. Deep breaths, you take it all in, and feel nourished by the experience of it all. …. Days and times spent out at sea.. …. You are all the better for it. …
… Salt in my soul …
… This beautiful life…
… ?&? -JM

MATERIALS; UArt archival, professional acid-free, ph neutral pastel paper. Rembrandt pastels, Unison soft pastels, Jack RIcheson soft pastels

Emerging Pastel Artist    18 x 24   

Pastel Brand(s) Used
Pastel Paper Used